Faithful fans have followed Darlene Austin’s music career for many years through a variety of TV shows, WSM Radio, NBC and The Nashville Network, plus her live performances and recordings. Those familiar with this bluesy brunette know the depth of her talent and determination.
The past few years we’ve all been touched by the big changes to the world brought on by covid. But since late 2021, Darlene has been in her own battle with AML blood cancer. We wanted to update you with her progress and her changed appearance. After extensive treatments she lost her long dark hair to chemo and when her hair finally grew back, it was almost white! It now has turned to a beautiful silver color and is long enough for a short buzz cut. We thought you’d enjoy a picture of her new look! She still has to look twice to make sure it’s her in the mirror! We are thankful to say that Darlene is in remission at this point of her journey.

The cancer changed her active life. She was in the hospital most of 2022, in addition to the ongoing battle with AML, she also had covid, pneumonia, and MERSA, among other setbacks. She’s gradually gathered some strength and has gotten back to her songwriting and recording when her health allows.
Her latest project is writing the theme song for a Prison Ministry Program in Kansas entitled “Don’t Be Me.” When cutting this song, she included two more in the recording session, “Now I’m Free” and “From Love’s Point Of View” adding to her Vine Creek Music catalog. You can listen to these original songs on her SoundCloud page.
Thank you for all the cards and prayers that have surrounded Darlene and kept her spirits up while fighting this cancer. She feels so blessed with your compassion and friendship. Darlene’s music connects us all and heals our hearts with every beat. She’s grateful that you’ve allowed her to be a part of your journey and thankful that you are a part of hers. As Darlene Austin’s song says, “Jesus Can” do miracles!
Darlene Austin keeps a positive spirit but still lives in reality about her cancer. Anyone who is familiar with AML knows that survival is fleeting. Even her doctors have called her a miracle, and she jokes, saying “I’ve outlived my expiration date!” She’s kept her contagious humor in tact as she’s planning her Celebration of Life “party”, so thankful for the blessed life she’s had.
Being a Kansan, she grew up near the Russell Stover Factory in Abilene. So, she calls herself a natural born “chocoholic”, and all her friends share in the spoils! Since she moved to Nashville in the mid 70’s she’s been hauling Russell Stover chocolate treats back to her friends in TN…plus stocking her own pantry!
Knowing she’s had this life-long chocolate obsession, she decided upon her passing she’d be cremated and buried in a Russell Stover tin beside her mother. Though her office shelves are full of Russell Stover tins, none of them were large enough to hold her ashes.
While in Kansas City visiting family, Darlene and her spontaneous personality decided to stop at the Russell Stover Corporate Office and ask if they had any large chocolate tins that would hold her ashes. Fortunately, she was greeted by a pretty young lady who was intrigued with Darlene’s story and mission. Darlene was delighted that Kathleen kept in touch. So for months this lovely new friend was determined to find a special Russell Stover tin.
Now a big surprise box has arrived for Darlene, with loads of chocolate and a large Keepsake tin, plus the new Russell Stover 100-year Anniversary tin!!! She is so grateful she met such a kind heart who shared her journey when she stopped at the Russell Stover Corporate Office.
The mission is over, Darlene prays she won’t occupy “the tin” too soon, but now she can move on, plus gratefully eat all the chocolate! THANKS TO A TENDER SOUL AT RUSSELL STOVER!
Darlene Austin’s Career Highlights…
Throughout her career, Darlene Austin has kept a schedule that is impressive and the envy of many performers. Nashville, Tennessee is where Austin resides and she has graced the stage of most every syndicated telecast in Music City. For many years, performing on the NBC-TV Noon Show, the Ralph Emery Morning Show”, WSM Radio’s ”Waking Crew” and TNN’s “Nashville Now Show” gave her the vehicles she needed to access her fans. This Radio and Television exposure also helped achieve a prestigious nomination from Hollywood’s Academy Of Country Music, for New Female Vocalist. Being originally from a farm family in Kansas, this sunflower has truly reached out to gather a bouquet of friends and fans across the nation and throughout the world.
Nashville Now was a television talk show that focused on traditional and contemporary country performers. The show aired weeknights on The Nashville Network. As a staff lead singer on the show, Darlene’s vocal style allowed her to perform a variety of music. Millions tuned in as Ralph Emery, longtime Nashville TV/radio personality hosted the live broadcast. The syndicated show won several Emmy awards during its run.
Darlene has a catalog of original songs – listen here for samples:
If you want to hear more songs for yourself or your artists…contact: vinecreek1@gmail.com